

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the guarantee of success?

The effectiveness of couple therapy has now been scientifically proven by various research studies conducted worldwide. In 96% of cases, you will see a new approach to your current state of the relationship. The success largely depends on your sincerity and dedication towards resolving the issues. Please make sure that you visit your sessions on time without any break and follow the rituals and assignments given by your therapist. During the sessions, the therapist will work on ruling out the cycle of your traumatic experiences and painful memories. After the completion of the sessions, you will start looking at your life and relationship from a new perspective, which is more open and mature. You will experience many aspects of yourself and your partner that you have never thought of before

How is my privacy protected?

We, at Immature Content, take the Client’s privacy concerns very seriously. Our ethics binds us never to disclose any information about the Client on any online or offline platform. For more privacy related concerns, visit here.

Why do I need to make the payment in advance?

The couple therapy works in a structured, step by step approach, which involves multiple therapeutic sessions and interventions. For a desired outcome and result, it is recommended to complete all the sessions. Your Couple Therapist evaluates and work tirelessly throughout the process, keeping an eye with the progress and outcomes and time to time changing and modifying the intervention strategies and tools depending upon your relationship and individual progress. It is extremely inconvenient for both the partners and therapist when you quit the session in between or book and cancel the appointments. So, when you make the full payment in advance, it helps the therapist to make sure that you are fully committed to working in your relationship before taking the case.

How can I book my slot?

You can book an appointment with Immature Content, or you can directly make a call to book a slot as per your convenience.

What is your working time?

For a face to face counselling session, you can book a slot and walk in anytime in between 10 AM to 8 PM from Monday to Friday, and between 8 AM to 10 PM on Saturday and Sunday.

Can I get a refund for cancellation of a session?

No. We don’t refund your money back under any circumstances, except for when the cancellation happens from our end.

Do I have an option to select my Couple Therapist?

We assign you the Couple Therapists based on your problems and their specializations. You are given the option to select the therapist you want only under certain special conditions.

What are the language options do you have?

Our Marriage & Relationship Specialists are fluent in English, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, Assamese, Marathi and Konkani.

How long will it take to complete my entire counselling process?

The duration of the course largely depends upon the issues you are having in your relationship, how deep-rooted they are and your current relationship status. Our research and experience say that the period might extend to anywhere between 30 to 90 days. Your willingness and dedication towards the counselling alliance plays a major role in our success to transform your relationship. Expect visible results only after 90 days.

Can I accompany my child during the session?

No. Counselling sessions can be emotionally volatile. So having a child during the session is not recommended.

What if my partner is not willing to join?

If your partner refuses to join the sessions with you, then you can come for the sessions alone. Here, you are not the client, your marriage is. You may be thinking that marital counselling only works when both husband and wife want to make their marriage work. But actually, you can transform your relationship just by what you do and how you do. It may take longer than if your partner was completely on board with making improvements. Over time, though, your sincerity and non-judgmental approach to having a better relationship will affect your spouse in a positive way. We may be able to help you persuade your spouse to eventually join in. If not, at least you are working to improve yourself and your end of the relationship.

How does the sessions work?

Once you book an appointment to the website, you will get a call back from a Couple Therapist within 24 hours. You can opt for a free telephonic consultation or directly book an appointment slot. The first session you come for is the Pre-Assessment session where you discuss the presenting problems. Your further sessions will be decided based on the intensity of the problem you have.

How will I communicate with my Couple Therapist?

We communicate with our clients through multiple ways. You can reach out to a Couple Therapist over 24 hours a day through calls, messages, email or WhatsApp.

How soon can I expect a call back after Booking my Appointment?

One of our Couple Therapists will immediately get in touch with you once you book an appointment in our website. The maximum time it takes to get a call back is 24 hours. Don’t worry, you are in safe hands.

Is online counselling as effective as face to face counselling?

Both Online and Face to Face Counselling are equally effective for eliminating your problems. Sometimes, online counselling is beneficial when it is inconvenient for you to travel for sessions due to time, distance and cost related factors. And sometimes, having Face to Face counselling sessions makes it easier altogether to work on the problems. But both holds the equally importance to get alleviate from your problems. It entirely depends upon your preference.

Is Immature Content right for me?

Immature Content might be right for you if you are looking to improve your relationship issues or not sure if you need to continue the relationship. We use empirically-driven research methods, customised to cater to the issues of each couple as well as an individual with 24/7 Support System to help and guide you at your weakest moments. We provide a number of services including services to transform your relationship with others, individual counselling, couple counselling as well as LGBT couple counselling.

Importance of Marriage Counseling

Everyone dream of a happy married life but it’s not a cake walk. Couples learn quickly before, during and after the wedding ceremony that marriage isn’t as easy as they thought. It requires hard work and commitment. After the blissful honeymoon-period, couples often realize that they are not as compatible as they previously thought. They encounter problems which they never thought would be an issue, even the couple is unable to nurture their relationship due to things such as family culture, expectations, jobs and children consuming all their time. These difficulties are certainly not unusual and seeking the advice of a marriage counselor may go a long way towards strengthening and even saving the marital relationship.

Why do I contact Marriage Therapist

When Married Couples are experiencing problems in their relationship, they consider marriage therapy to be a last resort before considering divorce. Some of the most common problems marriage therapists see clients for are: communication breakdown extramarital affairs Past Affairs jealousy exhaustive corporate life intimacy/sexual issues financial issues child-rearing conflict These couples are seeking advice or working through any issues they may have before they get married as they think this makes for higher chances of having a successful marriage. The therapist talk to these clients individually or in pair, trying to identify any problems that may only get worse with marriage. For example, if the bride has past issues with a relationship that she has not gotten over or vice versa, the marriage counselor will try to address these issues and resolve them before the wedding takes place.

What is a Couple Therapist?

A couple therapist or couple counselor is someone who helps couples who are either engaged to be married and would like advice, or who are already married and are experiencing issues that need to be resolved. These therapists work extensively with couples on an individual basis and/or in group settings. A marriage therapist can also be a psychologist.

Why do I consider Immature Content?

Immature Content is a Bangalore-based counselling centre, one of its kind, focussed exclusively on the Marriage, Premarital, relationship and couple counselling, reaching hundreds of couples and individuals on a daily basis and helping them in resolving their relationship issues in the most advanced and science-based way possible. Our Therapy has successfully implemented on Indian 10000+ couples and have achieved 96% success rate. It is an initiative to transform marriages and relationships into blissful, admiring, connected and joyful ones.

Can online counselling substitute face to face counselling?

Online counselling and Face to Face Counselling both are equally effective. Sometimes, online counselling is beneficial when it is inconvenient for you to travel for sessions with us due to time, distance and cost related factors. And sometimes, having Face to Face counselling sessions makes it easier altogether to work on the problems. It entirely depends upon what state your relationship is in.

Who is a Couple Therapist?

In Immature Content, our Couple Therapists are highly qualified, experienced and trained to help our clients resolve issues related to trust, mutual understanding, getting back the lost connection of feelings and emotions in a relationship, and blissful separation. Each of our couple therapists hold a minimum Master’s degree in Psychology, and goes through a rigorous selection process and training. Only 1 % who apply get selected in the screening process. Subsequently, each therapist goes through a full-time 3 months of in-house training on different tools and intervention skills & methodology to become a Couple Therapist. Each and every couple therapist is monitored and supervised by the Masters and Mentors team on Immature Content. Know more.

How does the sessions work?

Once you book an appointment to the website, you will get a call back from a Couple Therapist within 24 hours. You can opt for a free telephonic consultation or directly book an appointment slot. The first session you come for is the Pre-Assessment session where you discuss the presenting problems. Your further sessions will be decided based on the intensity of the problem you have.